Consumer Driven Marketing and Relevancy by Jared Denton
I have been reading a book called DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Media and Digital Marketing. The second chapter in particular points out 12 shifts in how marketing has changed as our world has become more digitized. Of these 12 changes, one stood out to me – how the forces in marketing no longer reside solely in the hands of the company’s marketing team, but rather also in the hands of all consumers.[1] Collectively, consumers themselves have the ability to initiate and control the marketing of a company and its product.[2] I experience this phenomenon when I shop. As I look for a particular product, I draw from several sources. Along with looking at the company’s website, I look for reviews online and ask a variety of people about their experience with the product. In addition to this, many of the new products I try come from the suggestion of friends and acquaintances.
Now, you are probably thinking, “this is interesting information, what do I do with it? How do I utilize this information to improve my marketing plan?” I’m glad you asked. If you do not have a target market, you need to identify which market would bring you the largest Return on Investment in Marketing. Once you have your target market, you should look at how you can generate consumer-originating buzz about your product or service. While there are several popular tactics that help accomplish this, including sponsoring events and causes that are important to your target market and rewarding your loyal customers, the best way I see of generating this buzz is to educate your consumers in how your product is relevant to them. This may include changing the product, which can be a painful process. Now, you are probably thinking, “wait, so I have to now change my product so that I can generate consumer buzz about it?” The answer is a resounding yes. People will not buy irrelevant products, and the only reason they talk about them is to say why people should not buy them. Keep that in mind.
[1] Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick, DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Media & Digital Marketing, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Singapore, 2008, p.37
[2] I use the term “product” to indicate “a good or a service.”